再谢陈版!渐行渐近,逾析逾清...受益匪浅! 刚看到奥, 称老师不敢当啊, 我们同在三多屋檐下互相学习, 我们互称兄弟 :handshake 顶一下 本帖最后由 duol 于 2011-11-29 21:14 编辑
陈老师的研究很细致, MEI FOO是当时STANDARD OIL在中国的称号,其在中国的公司于1937年前分蹦解体,从公司看这件应该是1937年;
Standard Oil In China
Standard Oil's production increased so rapidly it soon exceeded US demand and the company began viewing export markets. In the 1890s, Standard Oil began marketing kerosene to China's large population of close to 400 million as lamp fuel. For its Chinese trademark and brand Standard Oil adopted the name "Mei Foo", translating roughly as beautiful and trustworthy or beautiful confidence. Mei Foo also became the name of the tin lamp that Standard Oil produced and gave away or sold cheaply to Chinese peasants, encouraging them to switch from vegetable oil to kerosene. Response was positive, sales boomed and China became Standard Oil's largest market in Asia. Prior to Pearl Harbor, Stanvac was the largest single US investment in SE Asia.
Socony's North China Department operated a subsidiary called Socony River and Coastal Fleet, North Coast Division, which became the North China Division of Stanvac after that company was formed in 1933. To distribute its products, Standard Oil constructed storage tanks, canneries (bulk oil from large ocean tankers was re-packaged into 5-gallon tins), warehouses and offices in key Chinese cities. For inland distribution the Company had motor tank trucks and railway tank cars, and for river navigation it had a fleet of low draft steamers and other vessels. Stanvac's North China Division, based in Shanghai, owned hundreds of river going vessels, including motor barges, steamers, launches, tugboats and tankers. Up to 13 tankers operated on the Yangtze River, the largest of which were Mei Ping (1,118 gt), Mei Hsia (1,048 gt),and Mei An (934 gt). All three were destroyed in the 1937 USS Panay incident. Mei An was launched in 1901 and was the first vessel in the fleet. Other vessels included Mei Chuen, Mei Foo, Mei Hung, Mei Kiang, Mei Lu, Mei Tan, Mei Su, Mei Xia, Mei Ying, and Mei Yun. Mei Hsia, a tanker, was specially designed for river duty and was built by New Engineering and Shipbuilding Works of Shanghai, who also built the 500-ton launch Mei Foo in 1912. Mei Hsia ("Beautiful Gorges") was launched in 1926 and carried 350 tons of bulk oil in three holds, plus a forward cargo hold and space between decks for carrying general cargo or packed oil. She had a length of 206 feet (63 m), a beam of 32 feet (9.8 m), depth of 10 feet 6 inches (3.20 m) and had a bulletproof wheelhouse. Mei Ping ("Beautiful Tranquility") launched in 1927, was designed offshore but assembled and finished in Shanghai. Her oil fuel burners came from the U.S. and her water tube boilers came from England.[24
从人员看,从1927年,H.E.GUMBART 就加入了美浮驻芝加哥公司的销售公司;到纽约工作了一段时间,后又回到芝加哥,育有一女,Eleanor Gumbart. 因此陈老的分析是对的,此件应该是1926年以前了。 湖州(WUCHOW)、福州(WU-CHOW)、梧州(WUCHOW, 但这里应该是福州的意思吧? 按照维基论坛上的介绍,福州是美浮当时在华的总部。于1910年扩建,并发展了中国北方总部。
Among the visitors of this month to the
Chicago Office was Ralph Sawyer, late
of Windigo, Canada, and now of Berlin,
New Hampshire. We are pleased to see
that Mr. Sawyer came out of the bush
and back into civilization in good shape.
We took him to a hockey game while in
Chicago and he remarked that the game
was played about as well as any he had
seen in Canada.
J. A. Taylor was with us a day or two
ago and will be back with us again in a
few days more. He, like Mr. Sawyer,
represented at one time our woods division
very successfully, and this possibly is the
reason why he is now so good in the core
C. D. Johnson of our Minneapolis Office,
stopped in to see us on his way to Portland
and among our other visitors were
C. W. Hamilton and his son, Ray Hamilton,
now superintendent of the Milwaukee
Lace Paper Company, and Harry Jennings
of Tanglefoot Company. All wished to
be remembered to their friends in the
Brown Company.
We are pleased to have H. E. Gumbart
join our force. With his help and experience
we believe that we will get far
with the conduit.
BERLIN, N. H., MAY 1, 1927
http://berlinnhhistoricalsociety ... 8_No11_May_1927.pdf
At the present writing, H. E. Gumbart
from the Chicago office is here assisting
Skirm in introducing our Fibre Pipe to
the coal companies.
http://berlinnhhistoricalsociety ... 9_No3_Sept_1927.pdf
H. E. Gumbart of our Chicago officemade his initial visit here a few weeks ago.
THE BROWN BULLETIN, September, 1927
http://eagle.brooklynpubliclibra ... 04-11-01-SINGLE.pdf duol 发表于 2011-11-30 13:08 static/image/common/back.gif
陈老师的研究很细致, MEI FOO是当时STANDARD OIL在中国的称号,其在中国的公司于1937年前分蹦解体,从公司 ...
又一次被您的执着、谨慎、探索精神感动!您从另一个角度考证了此杯的年代在1911--1926年之间;并对主角 H.E.GUMBART进行了深度探讨。解开了我的困惑,谢谢! :) 谢谢簋兄关注!并对盘子关注、期待中。。。 好东西,欣赏了 可惜图太少了!:]14)